Advanced Neelakantha Meditation
Advanced Initiation brings you progressively deeper into the refinement, revelation, and delights of Consciousness inside to further enliven your experience of meditation and every facet of life altogether.
Advanced Practice is meant to support, further accelerate, intensify, empower, and deepen your levels of understanding and growth of Consciousness. When we listen to this inspiration inside, and when we surrender to our own deep calling for more, we begin to experience extraordinary benefits in life.

Paul offers Advanced Neelakantha Meditation Initiation Courses at Regional Events, Immersions, Retreats and Virtually Online throughout the year. Please check the schedule for specific dates and locations.
Advanced Initiation offers graceful access to continue the traverse home to our inherent freedom and joy. Advanced Neelakantha Meditation Practice allows the vertical movement of Consciousness to the core essence of that which we are.
When we merge with such efficacy and grace of practice, we become alive in the very firepit heart of life itself. We begin to see more clearly and we begin to release that which holds us back. We find the pathway of greater expansion into the depths of Consciousness where we access our own creativity, bliss, enjoyment, and delight in life. We unhinge more and more from the grips of fear and contraction and we melt so powerfully into wisdom and grace. We step more deeply into our highest Self.
You are eligible to apply for Advanced Neelakantha Meditation Initiation after 18 months or more of regular practice at Levels One & Two, and 2.5 years or more of regular practice at Level Three.

"Life is full of astonishment, bliss, nectar. And it is also full of extraordinary challenges that demand a reconfiguration of a higher level of Consciousness within each one of us. We must understand that process and how to most beautifully cooperate with it.” - Paul Muller-Ortega